About Caduceus

Serving these locations

Yorba Linda

Primary care, PDQ Urgent Care and More, specialty care, Caduceus for Women, Caduceus 4 Kids and PDQ Pediatric Urgent Care and More, Back in Motion Physical Therapy


Caduceus for Women


Primary Care, PDQ Urgent Care & More, Caduceus For Women, & Specialty

Laguna Beach

Primary care and urgent care


Yorba Linda

Dr. Gregg DeNicola

Locally-owned and in your neighborhood

Community Health Meetings are a core part of how we participate in the community.

We offer regular educational community meetings that are open to everyone. At these meetings we share health information and work with you to make your neighborhood a healthier place to live. We have quarterly topical health events and screenings for patients and the community at no charge. We are active in your community with health events and screenings that make us the health care leader in your neighborhood.

Dinner with the Docs

We have regular opportunities to meet our doctors and learn about health care topics. RSVP for an event

Chief Medical Officer Blog

Our Chief Medical Officer blogs about health care in the news, in particular about how Covid-19 is affecting our neighborhood. Go to Blog

Our CMO in the News

Our doctors live in your community and are active in making this a better place to live for all of us. For example, Dr. Gregg DeNicola is active in the Laguna Historical Society, and in the past has served as president and remains on the board. The work of Dr. DeNicola was featured in an article by MeetLagunaBeach.com.


Doctor telemedicine service online video with pregnant woman for prenatal care . Remote doctor healthcare consultant from home using online mobile device connect to internet for live video call .

Video Visits

Convenient for you

Even before the pandemic, we provided telehealth services. That is because our patients love the convenience. 80% of all visits can be completed from the comfort and convenience of your home.

We offer both same day urgent care and future video visits.

A safe place for care during a pandemic

Since the pandemic, it is more important than ever to consider a video visit to reduce your risk. Even if you know you will need lab work, the lab work and many treatments can be provided on a follow up drive through visit.



What Makes Our Clinic System Unique?

One-stop shop for health care

With Caduceus Medical Group, we provid big clinic services in a small clinic setting. Because of our investments in your community clinics, you are likely to be able to receive almost all of your services from our family of clinics. The benefit to you is that your medical record is all in one place.

Cash Pricing in Your Budget

Whether or not you have health insurance, we are there for you. We take virtually all insurance plans, and have affordable cash pricing. Have a large deductible? We will help you develop a cost-effective plan of care.

Fun and Creative Care

From the moment you step into our door, you will know that there is something different and special about Caduceus Medical. From kid-friendly pediatric care to .....

Laguna Beach

Our Credos

In everything we do, we call them our Caduceus Credos,  we defy the traditional models of health care delivery. Daily we strive for innovation, independence, and advocacy for our patients to measure success, without the interference from government or hospital systems, health plans, or pharmaceutical companies. 

 Our group uses guaranteed access to care as a cornerstone of our philosophy. We offer appointments in-office and video visits whether you are looking for same day urgent care service or a future appointment.

Caduceus is one of the only physician owned and managed multi-specialty medical groups in Orange County. We are celebrating our 21st anniversary providing superior medical care in the community with locations in Yorba Linda, Anaheim, Orange, Irvine, and Laguna Beach.


Caduceus Medical Group… Defy. Innovate. Deliver.

