Posts Tagged ‘cmocovidblog’
Covid Blog- Herd Immunity Orange County
A farmhand was helping the farmer with his herd of cows. The farmer asks, “How many cows are in my herd?” “49,” says the farmhand.“Ok then; round them up!”“Ok,fine! You have 50,” says the farmhand. Now that I have you trying to figure this out, I will do something totally out of character for me. I will make a…
Read MoreCovid Blog 2021 Physicals Orange County
With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan, this is for all you Pirates of Penzance fans who have had to deal with the pandemic over the last year. Pirates of Pandemic Patter(to be sung at a rapid tempo) After all the quarantine it’s time to move around, even danceAsk Gilbert and Sullivan; sing along to Pirates of Penzance You…
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