Antibody Testing.. Fact or Schiznick??

Close up of medical glove and hand holding covid antibody test

Since there are no sports to entertain us, let’s play a new sport we can do from our homes….we call it “Covid FACT or SCHIZNICK??”  Ok; we COULD call it TRUE or FALSE but what fun is that? We will make a statement about Covid and you have to figure out if it is FACT..a…

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Close up of medical glove and hand holding covid antibody test

Since March 1st, we have evolved— -First there was no test available for Covid 19.– Then came the nasal PCR swab PCR to show us evidence of the live virus.-And now, antibody testing has arrived.  Depending on your age, you can hear Roseanne Roseannadanna in the distance. I know a lot of you are asking, what is an antibody…

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Covid 19- Our CMO Answers Your Questions

coronavirus molecule

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM OUR CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER GREGG DENICOLA MD Is this the real life?  Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide; no escape from reality. Freddie Mercury did not know his lyrics would be so prophetic when he wrote them 45 years ago. He asked two very poignant questions but never really answered them,…

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