Medicare Open Enrollment Irvine Event
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November 9, 2022 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Join us for our Medicare Open Enrollment Irvine event. The 2023 Medicare Annual Enrollment Period runs from October 15th- December 7th. Understanding Medicare can be confusing, and brochures don’t always answer the difficult questions.
A simple change in your Medicare coverage during the Medicare Annual Enrollment period could provide you with lower out-of-pocket costs and more benefits than the coverage you have now.
Join us at Caduceus Jamboree in Irvine at 19742 MacArthur (Corner of Jamboree) Suite 100. A Medicare representative will be on-site to provide complimentary consultations.
Email or call 714-646-8058 to reserve a spot for your consult and walk-ins are welcome!